
Member since ‎Nov 6, 2018
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Matthew Marcus

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matt162425 on March 08, 2023
Below, is the ad's report funnel/ analyzer and that report currently must use the HS created "Customer" with Internal ID as "customer" to be able to report correctly. In being able to adjust lifecycle stages / rename in the newer updates of HS- read more
matt162425 on February 13, 2023
Simply- Have HS sync the individual calendars within a sync'd Mail or calendar host account according/by the Meeting/Call Types set up in HS instead of just the default calendar all these calendar hosts (Google/ Outlook/ iCal etc) have the read more
February 21, 2023
No, I want when we choose a *Meeting Type> *Type 1 , Type 2 , type 3 etc... That a that category would match a synced sub calendar within a more
matt162425 on February 13, 2023
Simply- Have HS sync the individual calendars within a sync'd Mail or calendar host account according/by the Meeting/Call Types set up in HS instead of just the default calendar all these calendar hosts (Google/ Outlook/ iCal etc) have the read more
February 21, 2023
No, I want when we choose a *Meeting Type> *Type 1 , Type 2 , type 3 etc... That a that category would match a synced sub calendar within a more
matt162425 on December 14, 2022
This would be an excellent tool that HS already has in forms but adding it to meetings would be so helpful Instead of having a dozen differnet types of meetings, we could limit it to just a few with the right progressive fields Few meeting links read more
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matt162425 on December 13, 2022
For my buisness and I am sure for many other services time Since Last Close Date or a running count of Time Since X Date to Todays Date would be a really benficial property instead of using filters or only having time Between. Thoughts? read more
DitteBille on May 19, 2021
It would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders - especially in the workflow folders as it is possible with lists today.
55 Replies
August 08, 2022
I know right?!?!
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