
Member since ‎Oct 31, 2018
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Logan Rivenes

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Maarten_C on June 29, 2018
Hi, We're currently stuck with the following scenario: We want to distribute leads randomly to reps A, B and C. Rep A receives 20% of leads, rep B 40% and rep C 40%. This is currently not possible in the system. The random attribut read more
39 Replies
January 23, 2019
I would like to be able to adjust the percentage of lead rotation that occurs. For example, I am going to rotate leads between 2 sale reps and I more
MG on May 05, 2017
Currently if a user has access to edit one contact's property, they have access to edit all contact properties. We have the ability to restrict a user from creating or deleting properties but it would be incredibly helpful to restrict the edit read more
105 Replies
January 23, 2019
Alternatively, it would be nice if you could just lock specific properties. Or, allow certain teams to edit certain properties or certain users to more
gil1001 on November 16, 2018
How do you to close the loop between leads that are being assigned to sales, making sure all of them are being followed up by sales and that the ball is not dropped by no sales person, and then actually getting stats on how many of the leads you cr read more
1 upvote
6 Replies
November 30, 2018
Hi @gil1001 , What I do is I create a general marketing/sales process workflow that just runs in the background. Then, within this workflow, I more
loganrivenes on October 31, 2018
I am in the process of integrating HubSpot and Segment. A number of my events do not contain email within the identifier, it's user id, which is the best practice from Segment. My question is without adding email to the event, are there ways to ma read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
November 01, 2018
Hi @Isaac_Takushi , Thank you for the reply. I am not sure if Segment uses the HTTP API Endpoint. I think they are updating based on analytics.js more
loganrivenes on October 31, 2018
I am in the process of integrating HubSpot and Segment. A number of my events do not contain email within the identifier, it's user id, which is the best practice from Segment. My question is without adding email to the event, are there ways to ma read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
November 01, 2018
Hi @Isaac_Takushi , Thank you for the reply. I am not sure if Segment uses the HTTP API Endpoint. I think they are updating based on analytics.js more
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