
Member since ‎Oct 31, 2018
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Julie Costales

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Captshawn on April 05, 2017
Since the addition of custom modules into the Design Manager Tool, templates are being built using these custom modules. But these modules does not support smart content what makes its use limited of specific. ie: Best custom module idea is a read more
January 21, 2020
Hi @Hubmate , I have reached out to the HubSpot support team about adding smart content in custom modules and they said that it is a product more
Captshawn on April 05, 2017
Since the addition of custom modules into the Design Manager Tool, templates are being built using these custom modules. But these modules does not support smart content what makes its use limited of specific. ie: Best custom module idea is a read more
January 21, 2020
Hi @Hubmate , I have reached out to the HubSpot support team about adding smart content in custom modules and they said that it is a product more
costalesja11 on April 02, 2019
Hi All, Would like to ask for assistance, is there a way to remove the hsLang=en from a page url? I've checked the " Enable Language Specific Redirects " from the setting > Domains & URLs > Language Setting and it is disabled but read more
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11 Replies
April 08, 2019
Hi @jennysowyrda , Actually Im not sure how to navigate to that URL, it happens that it shows in the list of page that we are having h1 duplicates more
costalesja11 on April 02, 2019
Hi All, Would like to ask for assistance, is there a way to remove the hsLang=en from a page url? I've checked the " Enable Language Specific Redirects " from the setting > Domains & URLs > Language Setting and it is disabled but read more
0 upvote
11 Replies
April 08, 2019
Hi @jennysowyrda , Actually Im not sure how to navigate to that URL, it happens that it shows in the list of page that we are having h1 duplicates more
costalesja11 on February 11, 2019
Hello There, Would like to ask for assistance, does anyone knows how to implement lazy loading in images (referring to hubl images tags) to web pages? I have found this link in the community but seems that the questions was not answered thou there read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
February 18, 2019
Hi @jennysowyrda , Thank you for your help. It seems that there is no hubl way to add lazy load to its images and I think the only option is use more
costalesja11 on February 11, 2019
Hello There, Would like to ask for assistance, does anyone knows how to implement lazy loading in images (referring to hubl images tags) to web pages? I have found this link in the community but seems that the questions was not answered thou there read more
1 upvote
5 Replies
February 18, 2019
Hi @jennysowyrda , Thank you for your help. It seems that there is no hubl way to add lazy load to its images and I think the only option is use more
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