
Miembro desde ‎oct 29, 2018
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Jade Bowers

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Octubre 03, 2019
Hi Jona, Is the reason your cname cannot be proxied because you don't have an A record for your root domain? If that is the case, enter a dummy A...Leer más
Noviembre 06, 2018
Thanks a lot. Just in case anyone has a question later as to what A record to use. It doesn't matter what A record that you use. The page rule will o...Leer más
Octubre 29, 2018
Thanks for the reply Frank! Our intention was to use cloudflare to manage the DNS only instead of GoDaddy since that is where we control other domain...Leer más
jgrowteam en Octubre 29, 2018
Hello, I recently took control of a site hosted here and would like to switch the DNS over to Cloudflare. My records imported and I have a CNAME that points to my Hubspot URL. I'm wondering about best practices but specifically how the 301 redi Leer más
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