
Member since ‎Oct 26, 2018
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Nate Boorom

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NBoo on July 09, 2020
Hi, I'm trying to import values from a .cvs file to a multi-select field in a HubDB, but unfortunately every attempt has resulted with blank multi-select fields in the HubDB. It's looking like HubSpot's import dialogue recognizes the multiple read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
July 14, 2020
Thanks piersg! Case sensitivity was the problem. Appreciate you taking the time to look at this. Thanks again, Nathan
NBoo on July 09, 2020
Hi, I'm trying to import values from a .cvs file to a multi-select field in a HubDB, but unfortunately every attempt has resulted with blank multi-select fields in the HubDB. It's looking like HubSpot's import dialogue recognizes the multiple read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
July 14, 2020
Thanks piersg! Case sensitivity was the problem. Appreciate you taking the time to look at this. Thanks again, Nathan
Yoshi on December 07, 2017
Currently, HubSpot form does not support auto populate city or state based on postal code or zip. It would be great if we could have that feature for HubSpot form.
42 Replies
October 26, 2018
The original post is a bit dated, but after searching around the web, it seems this is one of those things that still doesn't have a clear solution- more
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