
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Apr 21, 2017
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Steph2304 on September 09, 2019
Hi, I have just learnt that meetings are 100% synchronized with Google Calendar, without the ability to filter out the internal ones or correct the activity manually afterwards. From my perspective, this pretty much makes the "Meeting" goal read more
22 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
October 25, 2022
Hi @Steph2304 and everyone, You may have resolved this already but you can create a new meeting type now in HubSpot. Settings > more
ÓrbitaCom on April 21, 2022
HI! I am having problems with the reception of my lead notifications. I have chatted with client support and they have told me that Hubspot automatically sends some notifications to SPAM so that my Primary email box doesn't fill. I tri read more
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4 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
August 11, 2022
Hi @ÓrbitaCom ! There is another way. You can connect your form as a channel to the inbox. This will drop your form submissions into a channel more
SamuelDigital22 on September 29, 2020
Hey HubSpot, Just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the current lack of functionality to report on Ad Spend in HubSpot Dashboards? Currently, we can report by campaign, on clicks and new contacts but spend is unable to be pulled. Ideally havin read more
19 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
July 13, 2022
Hi @mrspabs , you might have realised this but you can add these to your dashbard as they are already. Simply hit 'save' on the chart, and choose more
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