
Member since ‎Oct 25, 2018
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Antonino on July 30, 2018
Hey hey, we would appreciate the feature, that email signatures will automatically be added when a team member replies to an email within the Conversations / Team inbox. Currently we are using snippets as a workaround, but that should not be the read more
142 Replies
December 20, 2018
I was trying to use Conversations as a replacement for Hubspot but the lack of signatures, autoresponders and the inability to create a new email or more
Antonino on July 30, 2018
Hey hey, we would appreciate the feature, that email signatures will automatically be added when a team member replies to an email within the Conversations / Team inbox. Currently we are using snippets as a workaround, but that should not be the read more
142 Replies
December 20, 2018
I was trying to use Conversations as a replacement for Hubspot but the lack of signatures, autoresponders and the inability to create a new email or more
yehiasalam on April 08, 2018
Hi, I was just thinking, should I create automatically a deal once a vistior on my website submit a contact form. I mean he showed interest, submitting to the contact form, should i consider him in the pipeline? What do you guys think? What' read more
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2 Replies
October 25, 2018
Can you explain the procedure to use a form to automatically create a deal? Currently it simply attaches to the contact only. I would like the form more
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