
HubSpot Employee
Mitglied seit ‎Okt 20, 2016
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Niall Byrne

Lead the HubSpot support team. Thinking about how we can deliver a fantastic support experience across all our products, globally. Feel free to share your ideas with me. I'd love to hear your perspective.


roisinkirby on Oktober 20, 2016
Welcome to the HubSpot Community! For a full list of current members of the Community team, check out Who's who on the HubSpot Community . This community has been designed for YOU the HubSpot customer to ask questions, find answers and e Beitrag ansehen
4166 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
November 02, 2016
Welcome to the community @julieclarkebush and @abockler . Enjoy Inbound 2016!
stefen on Oktober 21, 2016
I recently redesigned our about page and replaced our team photos with HTML5 videos that look like photos (until you rollover them). We think this adds an extra layer of personality to our agency and really makes for a delightful experience. T Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 02, 2016
Woooah @stefen , love this! Really cool. I did have performance issues with the videos though. The were a little jerky. Is it possible to make t...Beitrag ansehen
stefen on November 01, 2016
Have you seen how images load in popular apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, or on Medium's website? This technique is called "progressive image loading" or "the blur up technique" and it's actually not hard to accomplish on HubSpot's COS thanks Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 02, 2016
Great tip @stefen !
roisinkirby on Oktober 20, 2016
Welcome to the HubSpot Community! For a full list of current members of the Community team, check out Who's who on the HubSpot Community . This community has been designed for YOU the HubSpot customer to ask questions, find answers and e Beitrag ansehen
4166 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
November 02, 2016
Welcome to the community @julieclarkebush and @abockler . Enjoy Inbound 2016!
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