
Mitglied seit ‎Apr 1, 2024
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Robert MacLean

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robertmaclean on Dezember 18, 2024
The Problem The main challenge here is being able to find the templates you need. After creating a certain amount, it's just simply too time consuming to try and find a template unless you know exactly what it's called. Where I'm currently Beitrag ansehen
August 15, 2024
100% agreed. I want to be able to have separate views that not only save the filters within those views, but also save whether it's a Board or a Lis...Beitrag ansehen
August 15, 2024
100% agreed. I want to be able to have separate views that not only save the filters within those views, but also save whether it's a Board or a List...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 25, 2024
Would like to highly advocate for this. We have our HubSpot call line set up as an emergency contact line. We need to have multiple numbers it can fo...Beitrag ansehen
robertmaclean on Juli 25, 2024
The Issue With having a global customer base, we have customers who will end up sending messages on a weekend. In some cases where there is a long weekend, those customers may not receive any response for 3 days. Clearly this is a poor customer e Beitrag ansehen
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robertmaclean on Juli 24, 2024
The Current Problem: When customers send in tickets over the weekend or a holiday, in some cases they may not receive a reply for 3 days. The Solution It would be extremely helpful to have a feature where you can auto reply to tickets tha Beitrag ansehen
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