
Member since ‎Apr 20, 2017
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Jess_171 on May 02, 2017
Hello, It's important for our company to be able to embed blog posts in our articles in Hubspot. So far, I'm seeing no where to put the embed code. Am I overlooking something, or does Hubspot just not have this option? If I can't embed, read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
May 02, 2017
Aha. You are right! Thank you sir. I believe this will definitely be the easier way moving forward.
Jess_171 on May 02, 2017
Hello, It's important for our company to be able to embed blog posts in our articles in Hubspot. So far, I'm seeing no where to put the embed code. Am I overlooking something, or does Hubspot just not have this option? If I can't embed, read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
May 02, 2017
Aha. You are right! Thank you sir. I believe this will definitely be the easier way moving forward.
Jess_171 on May 02, 2017
Hello, It's important for our company to be able to embed blog posts in our articles in Hubspot. So far, I'm seeing no where to put the embed code. Am I overlooking something, or does Hubspot just not have this option? If I can't embed, read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
May 02, 2017
Aha. You are right! Thank you sir. I believe this will definitely be the easier way moving forward.
Jess_171 on May 02, 2017
Hello, It's important for our company to be able to embed blog posts in our articles in Hubspot. So far, I'm seeing no where to put the embed code. Am I overlooking something, or does Hubspot just not have this option? If I can't embed, read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
May 02, 2017
Aha. You are right! Thank you sir. I believe this will definitely be the easier way moving forward.
dbarbara on January 22, 2017
Hi, A client has defined blog topics along with sub-topics, and also wants to assign more than one topic per post. Are HubSpot blog best practices to assign just one topic per post, or are two or more topics common? Also, I haven't found ans read more
12 Replies
April 29, 2017
Hey Phil! Thanks for asking! My biggest concern is my readers not finding what they want fast enough by not having enough topics categorized. more
dbarbara on January 22, 2017
Hi, A client has defined blog topics along with sub-topics, and also wants to assign more than one topic per post. Are HubSpot blog best practices to assign just one topic per post, or are two or more topics common? Also, I haven't found ans read more
12 Replies
April 29, 2017
Hey Phil! Thanks for asking! My biggest concern is my readers not finding what they want fast enough by not having enough topics categorized. more
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