
Member since ‎Oct 12, 2018
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Michelle Mulder

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CampusSonar_MM on September 19, 2022
Uploaded documents aren't rendering correctly until they are downloaded. HubSpot uses a third-party rendering service. When clients open our documents from our Knowledge Base, it looks like they aren't correct or there are errors because the text do read more
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Dalehhl on July 18, 2017
Hi all. One of the things that has prevented me from making a smooth transition to the new social tools is the lack of compatiability with spell checking tools such as Grammarly or Ginger. As those in charge of social will know, there's not much wo read more
36 Replies
February 12, 2019
Definitely agree. I don't understand why spell check was removed.
laurenleulu on August 01, 2018
Wouldn't it be great for marketers to be able to schedule threaded Tweets from HubSpot? Often, I'm given insightful posts from our SMEs that are too long for Twitter's character limit, but they have so much great information, I don't want to take an read more
November 19, 2018
I'd love to see this option as well. There are a number of times that we have longer tweets--threading them would be ideal. Thanks for adding the more
ahackel on May 11, 2017
You should be able to list multiple authors on a blog!
92 Replies
October 12, 2018
I'd like to suggest adding the ability to have two authors for a blog post. We have a few co-authored blog posts coming up and there is currently more
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