
Member since ‎Mar 19, 2024
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Morgan Clinton

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kara_susvilla on January 06, 2022
The buyer’s journey is the active research process someone goes through leading up to a purchase. It’ll help you understand your audience’s challenges and goals, and provide guidance for brainstorming new content. Get started creating impactful co read more
March 24, 2024
Some content ideas include, in awareness stage having cosumers taking surveys, in the cosideration stage having a comparsion between competitors, more
agulati on January 06, 2022
A buyer persona is a fictional, generalized representation of your ideal customer. They help you understand your customers and prospective customers better. If you're in the process of conducting research to curate a buyer persona, tell us below! G read more
March 19, 2024
The research method that I found the most sucessful was using the inbound marketing strategy and mainly using the attract stage to help curate my more
Champion on June 29, 2021
One of the best ways to learn inbound is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other professionals, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of inbound professionals to learn and grow better together! To get read more
3524 Replies
March 19, 2024
Hi, my name is Morgan and my role is being a student at Trine University. The industry I plan to work in is IT. A project I've worked on that more
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