
Member since ‎Apr 20, 2017
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RDI1281 on June 03, 2021
Is anyone connecting HubSpot with a Miva Merchant Ecommerce website? We are looking at connecting HubSpot with Miva to support blogs and collect and manage third party data that can be used to email and remarket to customers.
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3 Replies
June 04, 2021
Thank you, Karsten. I'll look into Alumio and I appreciate the quick response and recommendation!
RDI1281 on June 03, 2021
Is anyone connecting HubSpot with a Miva Merchant Ecommerce website? We are looking at connecting HubSpot with Miva to support blogs and collect and manage third party data that can be used to email and remarket to customers.
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 04, 2021
Thank you, Karsten. I'll look into Alumio and I appreciate the quick response and recommendation!
RDI1281 on April 25, 2017
Our fields reps have been reporting numerous obstacles and limited functionality when using the iOS mobile app. Examples include: Limited Search Capabilities: Unable to search for contacts based on their "Company Name" property. In general, se read more
22 Replies
December 20, 2018
Is there an update on the status to improve the overall mobile app so that it can be used more easily in the field by reps?
FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and read more
89 Replies
November 20, 2017
I second everything @CaseyBeanBKS outlined. Without the permissions, the new property doesn't really help in any way.
FranzSauerstein on November 28, 2016
I am carrying this idea just over from the old HubSpot ideas plattform: Here (with a great suggestion on implemenation) And here "Many (if not all) of our clients need the ability to attribute multiple owners to Contacts, Companies and read more
89 Replies
November 20, 2017
I second everything @CaseyBeanBKS outlined. Without the permissions, the new property doesn't really help in any way.
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
We need the ability to search (not filter) based on custom properties. Use case: I am speaking with someone on LinkedIn and need to find them within the CRM. Her name and email do not give the correct results. If I could search her by Li read more
43 Replies
May 11, 2017
Will this update also extend to the iOS app and having the ability to search for custom and other properties within the Contacts view? We more
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