
Member since ‎Oct 10, 2018
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Raphael Varieras

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rvzello on July 18, 2024
Currently the only allowed types for a calculated property are number, boolean, string, and date. The string is useful recent addition but it unfortunately doesn't allow for the same functionnality in reports, filters, or workflows as sropdown or mu read more
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rvzello on February 15, 2024
It would be helpful to be able to offer user picklists with restrictions. For examples: users with a specific skill users in aspecific team users in aspecific permission group
TRAMA on June 06, 2023
I use a lot of custom codes in my workflows. I would love to have an opportunity to name my custom code actions and/or give them a description. Now the custom code is shown in the workflow like this: the custom code is written twice. Now I h read more
2 Replies
September 30, 2023
Agree, this would be very helpful.
rvzello on September 29, 2023
It would be very nice to be able to configure the retry logic and the timeout in custom code actions in order to gracefully handle API calls that can take longer than 20 seconds, for instance to leverage large language models.
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rvzello on September 20, 2023
The duplicate tool is generating a wide variety of matches: some with matching name, email domain and phone number, and some with a very weak name match alone, for instance. It would be highly desirable to configure a threshold of similarity, or con read more
Fernando on May 20, 2022
I want users to be able to enroll contacts in workflows, but I dont want them to do any more than that.
April 21, 2023
Yes, this is highly desirable to empower users to use workflows without having to surrender the keys to modifying all workflows.
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