
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2018
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Tony Goodchild

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tonygoodchild on June 15, 2021
I'm trying to find a suitable API to read the status of emails sent to a contact by a sales person. This isn't for marketing email sent from marketing hub, but a single email sent from a salesperson through the Contact page in Hubspot. I want t read more
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4 Replies
June 29, 2021
I've hit a bit of a roadblock, I can get the latest email using the engagements API as mentioned, and can see various data about it like: more
tonygoodchild on June 15, 2021
I'm trying to find a suitable API to read the status of emails sent to a contact by a sales person. This isn't for marketing email sent from marketing hub, but a single email sent from a salesperson through the Contact page in Hubspot. I want t read more
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4 Replies
June 29, 2021
I've hit a bit of a roadblock, I can get the latest email using the engagements API as mentioned, and can see various data about it like: more
tonygoodchild on June 15, 2021
I'm trying to find a suitable API to read the status of emails sent to a contact by a sales person. This isn't for marketing email sent from marketing hub, but a single email sent from a salesperson through the Contact page in Hubspot. I want t read more
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4 Replies
June 29, 2021
I've hit a bit of a roadblock, I can get the latest email using the engagements API as mentioned, and can see various data about it like: more
tonygoodchild on October 19, 2018
I have been using the CRM extension API to add some information cards to Companies with no problems. However I know want to include an image in the card. I can see the LinkedIn integration uses an iframe to load up data into the card area. Is there read more
16 Replies
October 25, 2018
Thanks @Connor_Barley , Do you know if it is in a roadmap at all? Having it in the modal popup doesn't suit what I'm trying to achieve.
tonygoodchild on October 19, 2018
I have been using the CRM extension API to add some information cards to Companies with no problems. However I know want to include an image in the card. I can see the LinkedIn integration uses an iframe to load up data into the card area. Is there read more
16 Replies
October 25, 2018
Thanks @Connor_Barley , Do you know if it is in a roadmap at all? Having it in the modal popup doesn't suit what I'm trying to achieve.
tonygoodchild on October 19, 2018
I have been using the CRM extension API to add some information cards to Companies with no problems. However I know want to include an image in the card. I can see the LinkedIn integration uses an iframe to load up data into the card area. Is there read more
16 Replies
October 25, 2018
Thanks @Connor_Barley , Do you know if it is in a roadmap at all? Having it in the modal popup doesn't suit what I'm trying to achieve.
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