
Member since ‎Oct 5, 2018
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Jennifer Oldemeyer

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JenniFlynn on May 25, 2023
I tried building a customer journey report with a filter that only includes leads with an associated deal categorized as "follow on business." I made the first stage lead creation and the next stage, page visit/ad interaction/email click. This would read more
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3 Replies
June 05, 2023
I spoke too soon. S ince the report is pulling contact acitivity rather than just deal activity, there would be no way to differentiate between more
JenniFlynn on May 25, 2023
I tried building a customer journey report with a filter that only includes leads with an associated deal categorized as "follow on business." I made the first stage lead creation and the next stage, page visit/ad interaction/email click. This would read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 05, 2023
I spoke too soon. S ince the report is pulling contact acitivity rather than just deal activity, there would be no way to differentiate between more
JenniFlynn on May 25, 2023
I tried building a customer journey report with a filter that only includes leads with an associated deal categorized as "follow on business." I made the first stage lead creation and the next stage, page visit/ad interaction/email click. This would read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
June 05, 2023
I spoke too soon. S ince the report is pulling contact acitivity rather than just deal activity, there would be no way to differentiate between more
JenniFlynn on May 04, 2023
So far, I've marked the following contacts as non-marketing: - competitors - invalid email addresses based on external email validation tool - unsubscribes - disqualified status is any of: competitor, seeking employment, bad fit, teacher/professor, read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
May 04, 2023
Thanks, Jacob! I like your idea about the unengaged contacts. I decided not to mark hard bounces as non-marketing because I've found a way to weed more
JenniFlynn on May 04, 2023
So far, I've marked the following contacts as non-marketing: - competitors - invalid email addresses based on external email validation tool - unsubscribes - disqualified status is any of: competitor, seeking employment, bad fit, teacher/professor, read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
May 04, 2023
Thanks, Jacob! I like your idea about the unengaged contacts. I decided not to mark hard bounces as non-marketing because I've found a way to weed more
dan_sitton on May 29, 2018
Why does HubSpot no longer track pages visited on a company level in the Prospects tools? That was one of the most valuable parts of the Sales platform, and without that tool I am less likely to recommend Sales to one of our clients. I will send the read more
83 Replies
May 04, 2023
Hiding this feature from the menu basically guarantees that no new customers will use it, so the low usage rate becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. more
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