
Member since ‎Oct 4, 2018
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Frank Devine

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SebastianB on July 27, 2017
Hi, it would be great to specify the privacy setting for emails or contacts that will be logged in the CRM. As some conversations & emails have to be confidential, it would be great to have a setting that tells Hubspot which emails to log and wh read more
March 13, 2019
Hi @clovria This tool doesn't work 100% of the time. I've gone in and blocked our internal company domain months ago yet I'm still getting more
GLR on December 13, 2017
Hello, I am just starting with D eals and I have an issue regarding the mandatory properties to create a deal. When Creating a D eal , I want my team to put the Company and the contact associated with the deal. Both informati read more
230 Replies
March 08, 2019
This is Day 1 basic CRM functionality. Absurd that this was raised as an issue more than a year ago, consistently upvoted and added to, and it is more
Karena on March 06, 2018
We don't always want to "hold" a contact in a workflow in order to set a date property for a number of days in the future. Sometimes we want to change a date property that's been set in the past. It'd be great if we had more workflow actions availab read more
February 28, 2019
Definitely see the value in this. Looking to integrate our CS team with our Sales team so the ability to set future dates based on things that more
L_E on October 24, 2018
Is there a way to have activities fire off a webhook, for example when a meeting is logged? I've looked through the api documentation and have tried building a webhook call directly in a workflow (since there is no way in the api to trigger a webhoo read more
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3 Replies
October 26, 2018
Follow up question for you @Isaac_Takushi If we're creating meeting activities on the company record or deal record directly rather than on the more
SebastianB on July 27, 2017
Hi, it would be great to specify the privacy setting for emails or contacts that will be logged in the CRM. As some conversations & emails have to be confidential, it would be great to have a setting that tells Hubspot which emails to log and wh read more
March 13, 2019
Hi @clovria This tool doesn't work 100% of the time. I've gone in and blocked our internal company domain months ago yet I'm still getting more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
When we have tasks that require collaboration, or even perhaps meetings to define job roles or other action items associated with those tasks, it would be nice to be able to export the tasks in single cut sheets, but also, it would be nice to expor read more
62 Replies
October 16, 2018
This is something I need. We have such a volume of tasks being created and completed it would be so valuable to be able to export the full list and more
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