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Suzan Brown

Yorkshire Lass Living in Scotland. Making my way as a sole trader. I have a proven track record of building and maintaining strategic partnerships with clients from various sectors and backgrounds, as well as expanding new business opportunities and generating revenue. I have also earned multiple honours and certifications for my skills in languages, marketing, sales, and mindfulness, which reflect my dedication, loyalty, and hard work. I am a team player, a maverick, and a complete finisher, who strives to live and work firmly in the now, with positivity and a little sparkle.


März 05, 2024
THank-you for your fast and helpful response.
März 05, 2024
Wow much simpler than other CRMs, I was over complicating things - thank-you so much for your help.
SBrown801 on März 05, 2024
Hi I have the free version and hope someone can help me to understand how I can mark a task as completed so that it is filed from my task list. Thanks in advance! Suzan.
März 05, 2024
Thanks for such a quick reply to my naive question
SBrown801 on März 05, 2024
Hi I work for a not for profit and we are currently using the free version of Hubsot. Having been used to a different CRM in my corporate days I'm enjoying the Hubspot experience so far. Although probably not yet using it to it's full potential Beitrag ansehen
März 05, 2024
Amazing thanks so much Trevor!
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