
Miembro desde ‎sep 28, 2018
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Brian Potter

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Abril 12, 2019
I haven't read all of the replies, but if this could be a feature in the workflow "steps" that would be huge. Example: We are hosting a client apprec...Leer más
Enero 22, 2019
Yes. We ran into this today. Supporting multiple photos and tagging would be very helpful. Not sure if this is an API issue or not.
Enero 18, 2019
This may or may not help, but what I did was create a boolean formula in SalesForce called "Is a lead" and "Is a contact" and added that field to the...Leer más
Diciembre 20, 2018
If we had the ability to select the viewport we would like then make adjustments to font sizes, colors, background, spacing, etc. that would be incre...Leer más
Diciembre 20, 2018
I would add to this that adding the sender phone number would be VERY helpful.
Diciembre 05, 2018
Here is the "solution" I discovered: You cannot target elements within an iFrame. You must embed the form without formatting so it is directly on...Leer más
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