
Member since ‎Apr 19, 2017
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AJLaPorte_diagr on October 10, 2017
You should create a connector for use with Google's DataStudio Application. This would help us create a more robust report for our users and we can leverage the statistics that HubSpot provides. Currently, other services like Databox can connect to read more
July 03, 2019
Hey HubSpot, is anyone working on this?
Madison_SOL on June 08, 2017
We would love to be able to pull a report on our campaigns. For example, we have a campaign that is linked to several webpages. We wanted to pull a report for that campaign that has the traffic info, website visits, clicks, etc. for each individual read more
16 Replies
May 11, 2017
I'd love to see how campaigns are doing in a dashboard view
Kauri on May 04, 2017
So I am trying to get our COS pages to reflect the look of our current site but the fonts aren't showing up. I have this in the main CSS file: @import url(',300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,80 read more
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