
Member since ‎Sep 28, 2018
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Benno Schmidt

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benno on August 19, 2019
Some contacts of ours are service providers and they would write to various team members. At the moment, the email asignee is always the contact owner but this doesn't make much sense in this scenario: I propose that the email assignee should be who read more
3 Replies
August 27, 2019
Yes, I mean by default. If an email is sent to thomas@, the first line is "Hi Thomas" it makes no sense to assign this email to anybody else than more
benno on August 19, 2019
Some contacts of ours are service providers and they would write to various team members. At the moment, the email asignee is always the contact owner but this doesn't make much sense in this scenario: I propose that the email assignee should be who read more
3 Replies
August 27, 2019
Yes, I mean by default. If an email is sent to thomas@, the first line is "Hi Thomas" it makes no sense to assign this email to anybody else than more
benno on August 19, 2019
Please add a button "Assign to already-existing deal" for mail that are in the Inbox. Similar to the button "Create a deal" (which that lets us create a deal based on a new mail in the inbox) I oftentimes have mails that have a different subject l read more
6 Replies
benno on August 19, 2019
Situation: We are a travel agent and have service providers who work with us on a large number of deals. Some service providers might work with us on 100+ deals. Every time an email from our service providers comes in, this mail gets assigned to read more
2 Replies
HubspotUser12 on September 19, 2018
We have big problems to notice when a visitor is chatting with us, the sound is not enough at all, and notifications are not enough. We suggest to use another way to notify, maybe a native software app to manage chats, I don't know, but we are m read more
77 Replies
August 07, 2019
I fully agree with this. The bloop-bleep sound is not enough. Would be great if we could upload another sound. Thanks!
CristianP on October 27, 2017
The Text Limitation - As you're aware there is a limitation in how much text you can include in the body of a snippet. This is disappointing as there may be paragraphs you send quite often that don't necessarily qualify to be a template. For exampl read more
96 Replies
July 08, 2019
+1. This is on TOP OF MY LIST, please HubSpot team, do us all this favor!
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