
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2024
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Emily Rhine

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ERhine on August 22, 2024
Hello! I am needing to import a list of Contacts, some of which will be the same person. However, the fields for that same person will be different. Here's an example of a record that is the same person, with the same email BUT they have d read more
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3 Replies
August 22, 2024
Thank you! What if we need to contact that one email address regarding two items within their account? For instance, if we needed to email them more
ERhine on August 22, 2024
Hello! I am needing to import a list of Contacts, some of which will be the same person. However, the fields for that same person will be different. Here's an example of a record that is the same person, with the same email BUT they have d read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
August 22, 2024
Thank you! What if we need to contact that one email address regarding two items within their account? For instance, if we needed to email them more
ERhine on July 31, 2024
I work for a Credit Union and I am new to Hubspot tool, so I'm still learning this platform. One thing that we are doing is using a Custom Object for Members. This is causing some confusion between Contacts & Members, and I'm noticing that read more
August 14, 2024
Thank you both for very helpful answers! See my responses below. I apologize for the delay. 1. The issue is that on the contact record you don't more
ERhine on July 31, 2024
I work for a Credit Union and I am new to Hubspot tool, so I'm still learning this platform. One thing that we are doing is using a Custom Object for Members. This is causing some confusion between Contacts & Members, and I'm noticing that read more
August 14, 2024
Thank you both for very helpful answers! See my responses below. I apologize for the delay. 1. The issue is that on the contact record you don't more
ERhine on March 01, 2024
Hello! This will be my first certification with Hubspot (the Hubspot Marketing Software one) and I wanted to know if anyone knows of an accessible study guide? I've looked through the course resoureces, and I'm only seeing transcripts and slides for read more
1 Reply
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