
Member since ‎Mar 1, 2024
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Nicolás Arata

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StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
May 16, 2024
Hello, like all of you, I need to be able to work with different time zones. My main problem is a USER from MEXICO or COLOMBIA when he executes more
SSetna on June 07, 2021
Create a feature that will allow users to alter the size/dimensions for lengthy qualitative fields such as "descriptions" for reports so that all of the information can appear across multiple rows as opposed to only having a limited amount of the in read more
10 Replies
March 01, 2024
100% agree In my case, we only need an increase in the number of characters in the NOTES of the CALL ACTIVITIES or in the TASKS. I also see the more
BKoehoorn on June 30, 2023
Slicing and dicing data is important: but sometimes your reports are too large for hubspot to handle. Coming from a Salesforce environment almost everything in HubSpot is better. Except reports. While the interface is more intuitive, the perfor read more
March 01, 2024
In my case, we only need an increase in the number of characters in the NOTES of the CALL ACTIVITIES or in the TASKS. I also see the limitation of more
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