
Mitglied seit ‎Feb 28, 2024
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Mathias Brorell

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Kattis on März 20, 2023
I have noticed that if the contact unsubscribes from the marketing email, I need to change the contact to non-marketing contact manually. If a contact unsubscribes - they should move into non-marketing contacts automatically. And if the contact has Beitrag ansehen
Mai 30, 2024
It is all about the money/profit for HubSpot. I was sure it was standard that a contact who unsubscribed would be removed as a marketing contact imme...Beitrag ansehen
jwatson on November 01, 2018
Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms. My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile. I cannot yet identify which incom Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
Mai 08, 2024
@MLefebvre how about Odoo feeling a bit old when using marketing automation? It feels like a system that does everything OK but not very good.
jwatson on November 01, 2018
Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms. My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile. I cannot yet identify which incom Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
Mai 08, 2024
@MLefebvre how about Odoo feeling a bit old when using marketing automation? It feels like a system that does everything OK but not very good.
jwatson on November 01, 2018
Hello, would be great if you could extend the same email logging/tracking to the mobile platforms. My company uses exclusively Android, and we have an unpredicable break in the the chain when emailing from Mobile. I cannot yet identify which incom Beitrag ansehen
178 Antworten
Mai 08, 2024
@MLefebvre how about Odoo feeling a bit old when using marketing automation? It feels like a system that does everything OK but not very good.
1975920 on Januar 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
208 Antworten
Februar 28, 2024
The year is 2024 and no fix to this basic problem. How many businesses do not have conversations with different regions?
1975920 on Januar 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
208 Antworten
Februar 28, 2024
The year is 2024 and no fix to this basic problem. How many businesses do not have conversations with different regions?
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