
Member since ‎Apr 19, 2017
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October 09, 2019
Hi Oana, Well, I couldn't say I have found a solution, but I looked into our LinkedIn stats for all our posts for the last year and I came to more
mphed on August 09, 2019
Has anyone noticed a big difference in LinkedIn stats for your updates depending on if it's posted from HubSpot or created manually on LinkedIn? I looked at our updates for 2019 so far and for our 90 updates about 55 are created from HubSpot and read more
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13 Replies
April 18, 2019
Really great input Frank. Thank you so much! Just a clarification from my side on why they are sending the same email to all of their contacts. more
April 15, 2019
Thank you for a couple of great links. I have a concern regarding deliverabilty and warm-up which I would appreciate your (or anyones) view on. We more
mphed on October 16, 2018
I am trying to get my head around sync timing for integrations. We are using Eventbrite, Survey Monkey and GoTo Webinar mainly and I can't get to understand when and why a sync is triggered. As an example we have an active event on Eventbrite an read more
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October 04, 2018
Hi, I have somewhat been struggling with the same question and wasn't really sure how to address it. Lifecycle Stage seems to be the correct contact more
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