
Member since ‎Feb 26, 2024
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Bianca van Dulmen

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BvanDulmen9 on May 07, 2024
It is quite relevant to understand the importance of a lead by knowing their job title. There is a standard field in the Contacts object... Please add this to the set of fields that can be selected to choose the columns you want to see in the Leads read more
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BvanDulmen9 on March 11, 2024
Currently there is only 1 section in the quote for Terms. It would be ideal if there is an additional sections for T&Cs that can be added to the quote as Appendix. Ideally this should not replace the section Terms because that is often used to read more
BvanDulmen9 on March 11, 2024
It turns out that the "One-time" label indicates that no specific value is assigned to the billing frequency property. This is strange, since one-time indicates one-time. As a result of this, you cannot exclude or only select one-time bi read more
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BvanDulmen9 on February 28, 2024
I have quite some ideas for the Leads object, however that is not an idea category
BvanDulmen9 on February 28, 2024
When you put a lead to disqualified, you need to fill in the disqualify reason (which by the way only counts for that lead, a new lead on the same contact might end up qualified), however one can only 'see' that field in the analytics, but not on a read more
BvanDulmen9 on February 28, 2024
Using playbooks in the lead stage is great (especially using BANT to qualify). When a deal is created based on setting the lead stage to Qualified, it would make total sense to copy the Playbook information gathered during the Lead phase to the deal read more
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