
Member since ‎Sep 21, 2018
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Dani Raper

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MSteely on March 09, 2022
It would be nice to be able to create a new task from the inbox/chat screen instead of having to open the contact to create a new task any time you reply to an email or engage in a chat. The contact profile is already there on the screen it would b read more
4 Replies
February 02, 2024
Yes! The exact way that the follow-up task option lives on the contact level when emailing them, this option should also live in the general Inbox more
daniraper on February 02, 2024
I don't see any logical reason why there are templates AND snippets. I understand that templates are for email replies, and snippets for chats. But why would there be two separate things? There isn't a subject line in chat? Great, don't include the read more
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daniraper on April 10, 2023
Hi - Line Items are properties that are attached to a deal, yet they aren't stored within a deal's properties. It would be great if they were! For example, I'm trying to setup a workflow that adds deal properties to a google sheet, but Line items a read more
1 Reply
daniraper on May 17, 2022
Hi - the forms in hubspot are functional, but there is no option to design these to look cool. All you can do is upload an image and decide the color of the button! You guys have this blog that highlights all these great pop-up examples, yet you don read more
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catan on July 05, 2019
Currently, in a regular live chatflow, after the user submits their email address, a default message shows – " Thanks. We'll be in touch as soon as possible." This could make the visitor think that there's no one online and could prompt th read more
14 Replies
April 01, 2022
This is VERY frustrating and it gives the wrong message to the customer. PLEASE prioritize this ASAP!
daniraper on January 20, 2022
It is crazy to me that hubspot doesn't have workflows as a data source for reports. There is literally a "report" that is built into the Goals (and then Details) section of workflows, so it technically exists, it's just not available as a repor read more
5 Replies
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