
Member since ‎Sep 21, 2018
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RebeccaAM on January 05, 2021
I'd love to see a way to report on ticket status aging. We track how long our deals sit in a stage and often our tickets mirror that. The next best option would be to see how old a ticket is.
6 Replies
February 21, 2024
This would be a very helpful feature and would avoid contruction of the details, spending extra time.
809CharlieTango on August 30, 2017
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature in HubSpot where HubSpot teams can be mentioned in the Notes area of a contact, company and deal record. We want to avoid mentioning several names when receiving a payment or process read more
146 Replies
February 20, 2024
This feature has been requested for a number of years now and "Upvotes" are added fairly often. At present there are 187 Upvotes. To clarify for us, more
809CharlieTango on August 30, 2017
Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature in HubSpot where HubSpot teams can be mentioned in the Notes area of a contact, company and deal record. We want to avoid mentioning several names when receiving a payment or process read more
146 Replies
February 20, 2024
This feature has been requested for a number of years now and "Upvotes" are added fairly often. At present there are 187 Upvotes. To clarify for us, more
Kgibson on March 20, 2019
Currently, there is an ability to use a contact based workflow to send a notification about a ticket being submitted, but it would lack information about the ticket. On the other hand, there is an ability to send a notification about a new ticket, b read more
15 Replies
September 23, 2022
I'd sure love to hear how you resolved this, @SarahMayo1 !! This is a feature that has had too many Upvotes to not get attention towards resolution, more
Kgibson on March 20, 2019
Currently, there is an ability to use a contact based workflow to send a notification about a ticket being submitted, but it would lack information about the ticket. On the other hand, there is an ability to send a notification about a new ticket, b read more
15 Replies
September 23, 2022
I'd sure love to hear how you resolved this, @SarahMayo1 !! This is a feature that has had too many Upvotes to not get attention towards resolution, more
Lguerra on December 02, 2019
We are currently in the process of dedupping our Dynamics environment before we sync over contacts. The biggest issue we are facing are generic email address that are attached to multiple contacts. (i.e. There are many cases read more
5 Replies
June 08, 2020
I am having this issue, too. Unfortunately, adding another name still does not associate the contacts' communication individually...
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