
Miembro desde ‎feb 21, 2024
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Beth Laverack

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BLaverack9 en Octubre 09, 2024
Hello! So I'm wondering if anyone else has tried to achieve this. Essentially what I'd like is to be able to automate the syncing of tickets to/from a Contact (that is linked to the deal) with the Zendesk topic "onboarding" to the Deal. Similarly Leer más
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1 Respuestas
Febrero 22, 2024
Thanks Karsten, that's now working which is fab!
Febrero 22, 2024
Thanks Karsten! I've set this workflow up, however I seem to have an issue where if a new deal is created for a Company that already has the properti...Leer más
BLaverack9 en Febrero 21, 2024
Hello! Essentially currently certain information our Ops team need to onboard deals (e.g. specific systems the company uses) are stored on a Company. I'd really like the information to also be available within a deal so the Ops team don't ha Leer más
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4 Respuestas
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