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Rosa Gálvez

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JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
In order to convert more leads from your email marketing, you have to first get your readers to open your emails, and click through on them. This is why, as email marketers, we’re all but obsessed with our open rates and clickthrough rates -- becau Beitrag ansehen
496 Antworten
Februar 12, 2024
A/B testing is very useful for determining the best options for your best practices in the subject line, body copy, images and CTAs.
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
On a past thread, we discussed some of the ways that workflows can trigger your team internally. You can use them to automate data clean up or to trigger notifications to your sales team. Now, let’s discuss ways you can use workflows to Beitrag ansehen
602 Antworten
Februar 12, 2024
If your company has online content for each stage of the buyer's journey, it's interesting to create workflows based on this information and to trigg...Beitrag ansehen
JorieMunroe on Juli 11, 2021
Creating and optimizing landing pages is a crucial step in your lead generation efforts. What's a common mistake I always see and try to avoid? Not having a second offer or CTA on the thank you page. It’s a smart move to keep your primary Beitrag ansehen
541 Antworten
Februar 10, 2024
A landing page has to be a complete unit of meaning, meaningful by itself but not crowded. It has to have a good balance between the 2.
kara_susvilla on Februar 03, 2023
HubSpot’s campaigns tool is continuing to evolve, and we want to help you stay up to date with the latest features and functionalities. Check out the product demos below to learn about the tool’s key functionalities and new features. Beitrag ansehen
Februar 10, 2024
Great explanation and features.
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