
Miembro desde ‎sep 12, 2018
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Guy Nadivi

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Febrero 22, 2021
Hi @Shay ! Any update on the status of making campaign info available via API? We're exploring an integration with HubSpot that would use ...Leer más
gnadivi en Febrero 16, 2021
Our company wants to start rewarding employees for their advocacy through social media engagement. We specifically wish to do that by: Tracking employee's likes, shares, reposts of & comments on our social media posts Tabulating their eng Leer más
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5 Respuestas
gnadivi en Noviembre 16, 2018
We have a number of landing pages on our website, and want to start optimizing them. Here's one example . It currently gets a 57.6% submission rate, but we think we could do better. Any tips or advice?
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2 Respuestas
Septiembre 12, 2018
It looks like you can customize smart rules based on Country, Device type, Referral source, Preferred language, Contact list membership, or Lifecycle...Leer más
Septiembre 12, 2018
Frank, Your interface looks a bit different than mine. I wonder if what you're suggesting is possible in our subscription?
gnadivi en Septiembre 12, 2018
We have one basic email we send out to thank people for downloading an ebook, white paper, case study, etc. The primary difference between the emails is the reference to the title of the collateral being downloaded. We also personalize the email w Leer más
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5 Respuestas
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