
Member since ‎Sep 12, 2018
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Daniel Mallaburn

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PaulDerstine on April 25, 2017
I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form.  It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all read more
106 Replies
June 04, 2024
JoeMayall HubSpot Alumni <u+200e>Jun 3, 2020 1:31 PM Hi HubSpot Community, My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager[...] I'm happy to more
PaulDerstine on April 25, 2017
I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form. &nbsp;It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all read more
106 Replies
June 04, 2024
JoeMayall HubSpot Alumni <u+200e>Jun 3, 2020 1:31 PM Hi HubSpot Community, My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager[...] I'm happy to more
flippyfloppies on September 01, 2020
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel. Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions ( read more
94 Replies
August 31, 2023
You know, I love Hubspot for so many reasons. But then I see threads like this.... OP posted in 2020, years of upvotes, and yet here we are. more
Jacob02 on April 01, 2021
Hi there, As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder . This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release. Unfortunately, @JoeMayall 's solution to thi read more
June 26, 2023
It's a shame and a pity that Hubspot has neither implemented this much-needed and fairly basic addition nor even commented on the idea. I feel like more
Jacob02 on April 01, 2021
Hi there, As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder . This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release. Unfortunately, @JoeMayall 's solution to thi read more
June 26, 2023
It's a shame and a pity that Hubspot has neither implemented this much-needed and fairly basic addition nor even commented on the idea. I feel like more
glencornell on July 22, 2021
The ability to configure automatic enrollment and unenrollment for a sequence based on preset criteria. Provide Professional tier customers with the ability to automatically trigger a sequence to enroll or unenroll based on different contact c read more
43 Replies
March 28, 2022
@btuttle279 The issue with using automated marketing emails is that those emails tend to end up in the Promotions or Spam folders of most inboxes, more
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