
Member since ‎Sep 11, 2018
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Steve Carlton

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MCS on July 31, 2018
I would like to be able to create my own personalized drag and drop email templates in the design manager. So instead of starting to create new drag and drop templates from scratch each time and adjusting them to the CI guidelines OR cloning te read more
80 Replies
January 14, 2019
+1 from me. The drag and drop interface is great but without the ability to use custom modules that can easily be added/removed then we won't be more
golfpromal on February 14, 2017
I use the meeting tool extensively in my business. All of my customer meetings are handled remotely and I use GoToMeeting for each. My HubSpot Meeting tool is connected to my Google Calendar, and my GoToMeeting instance is connected to my Google C read more
53 Replies
November 07, 2018
+1 from us. Would love to have the GoToMeeting created and a link added to the original invite sent to the attendees.
Jon2 on August 13, 2018
Hello. I have one question. I have the website on WordPress, and I want to connect this website to HubSpot. Can I have a functionally on my website to show different content depending on the users' actions ?
0 upvote
14 Replies
September 17, 2018
Amazing response, thank you for taking the time to respond. I had a similar frustration with managing Marketo forms and ended up creating a more
Jon2 on August 13, 2018
Hello. I have one question. I have the website on WordPress, and I want to connect this website to HubSpot. Can I have a functionally on my website to show different content depending on the users' actions ?
0 upvote
14 Replies
September 17, 2018
Amazing response, thank you for taking the time to respond. I had a similar frustration with managing Marketo forms and ended up creating a more
Svet222 on August 03, 2017
For those who have utilized the HS and GTW integration, how much of the integration have you utilized? If you've tried to run everything through HS, what have been the shortcomings? We have a webinar coming up and wanted some general feedback on wh read more
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4 Replies
September 11, 2018
Do you mind elaborating on this? Why would a form on an external page not be able to use the GoToWebinar integration?
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