
Membro desde ‎abr 17, 2017
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Michael2 on Abril 27, 2017
It would be great if you could block certain IP addresses from form fills. I know you can block email domains or filter IP addresses for traffic but would be great to block certain IP's from downloading content. Eliminates the possibility of competi Leia mais
84 avaliações positivas
30 Respostas
Julho 19, 2017
We have customers fill out a form then we email them the requested content, however our competitors are often "borrowing" our content. If I block th...Leia mais
sdjohan on Junho 04, 2017
On Messages tool: It will be great to add the following for sales manager / admin: 1. Ability to view who are the sales reps who have Messages enabled - and their statuses. Ability to control that status. 2. Admin access to set publishing permissi Leia mais
50 avaliações positivas
15 Respostas
Julho 18, 2017
Yes! This would be very helpful for our team as well.
mikeabowles on Maio 15, 2017
Workflows with the action "Create a task" should also have the option for the task to be assigned to a specific task queue.
196 avaliações positivas
80 Respostas
Junho 28, 2017
Yes! This would be a huge help to organize my daily work. The new queues are not very helpful if I have to manually add each thing to a queue.
staci1074 on Maio 05, 2017
When I get a chat that is not a sales chat I need to get the information to someone else, it would be easiest if I could email the transcript to them directly or if it was somewhere in Hubspot I could send them the link. As it is set up right now t Leia mais
30 avaliações positivas
15 Respostas
staci1074 on Abril 26, 2017
Would love to see a page where I can see who is on my site currently along with what page they are on. As well as reports by half hour so that we can see the time of day the visitors are on the site and figure out if our visitors are all employees Leia mais
35 avaliações positivas
6 Respostas
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