
Member since ‎Apr 17, 2017
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Adam Kischinovsky

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wearecrunch on January 20, 2021
Hi, I have the hubspot sales extention installed in my outlook. When I send an e-mail, opens are tracked with no problem. But clicks are not tracked, how can I get the e-mail I send to also track clicks on links in the e-mail? Thank y read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 22, 2021
Oh ok, thank you for your reply.
wearecrunch on January 20, 2021
Hi, I have the hubspot sales extention installed in my outlook. When I send an e-mail, opens are tracked with no problem. But clicks are not tracked, how can I get the e-mail I send to also track clicks on links in the e-mail? Thank y read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
January 22, 2021
Oh ok, thank you for your reply.
roarkjanis on April 08, 2017
When logging emails to CRM, allow the attachments to be placed into or linked with the Deal or Contact.
May 08, 2017
HI, When I send or recieve an e-mail, the e-mail correspondance will be placed in my hubspot contact, that is smart. But it would be even more
mschnitt on April 05, 2017
I have a range of calendars I created in Google that all work within my primary calendar account. I created these for personal, volunteering, etc., so they could be color coded in my main calendar view for quick reference. Unfortunately, these seco read more
45 Replies
April 20, 2017
I also completely aggree. It is not usable for teams that work together and create meetings from hubspot CRM, as it only integrates with the more
wearecrunch on April 17, 2017
Hi, I am new to Hubspot Sales and Crm, I just started using it today. I tried integrating the e-mail function with my outlook, I can see in my outlook that the Hubspot logo is in the top right corner now, but this just means that I installed read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
April 18, 2017
Perfect, that works thank you
wearecrunch on April 17, 2017
Hi, I am new to Hubspot Sales and Crm, I just started using it today. I tried integrating the e-mail function with my outlook, I can see in my outlook that the Hubspot logo is in the top right corner now, but this just means that I installed read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
April 18, 2017
Perfect, that works thank you
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