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Chris Mahannah

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cmac90 on Juli 29, 2024
We use Chargebee as a billing system and it offers billing frequencies like daily, which we use to configure some non-recurring subscriptions via the chargebee Addon Line Item Type. However, none of these frequencies sync to Hubspot through the Quot Beitrag ansehen
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März 26, 2024
Thanks Karsten, helpful to know... Disappointing that there's no way to add this after the fact. Ideally, Hubspot could offer this via a migratio...Beitrag ansehen
cmac90 on März 05, 2024
Today, we are using Hubspot + Chargebee Quote-to-Cash Integration. We have configured our Hubspot deal pipelines to require a Company and a Contact be associated to a deal before the deal can be sent to the customer to complete the transaction. Beitrag ansehen
cmac90 on Februar 12, 2024
Recently, I engaged with HubSpot support as I was attempting to enable validation rules on the Company Name object and found that despite having a nice set of pre-defined validations on this object (e..g must be > n number of characters), Hubspot Beitrag ansehen
cmac90 on Januar 31, 2024
I'd like to add validation rules to the Company Name property, but I can't select any of the preconfigured options as they're greyed out. When I hover over these, I see the following message " This rule can only be changed during property creation." Beitrag ansehen
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