
Member since ‎Aug 27, 2018
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Hasnen JIVAN

CEO of RunGraphik : Web & Inbound Marketing Agency in France.


Koskinen on October 01, 2018
Hi, I enabled 2FA on my account last week. However, after that I have been unable to login with the Safari browser. This is what happens: 1) I enter the 2FA code sent to me. 2) The page briefly (in less than a second) displays an error message read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
October 30, 2018
Okay thanks, gonna send it to the HS Support directly. Hope it gets fixed soon 😉
Koskinen on October 01, 2018
Hi, I enabled 2FA on my account last week. However, after that I have been unable to login with the Safari browser. This is what happens: 1) I enter the 2FA code sent to me. 2) The page briefly (in less than a second) displays an error message read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
October 30, 2018
Okay thanks, gonna send it to the HS Support directly. Hope it gets fixed soon 😉
ryanhunt on September 10, 2018
When I go to the dashboard and click anything in safari, I just see a color wheel spining. Dashboard works great on Chrome, but all my devices do the same thing on safari. I've tried APL support, and they cannot locate through plug-ins or ext read more
18 Replies
October 11, 2018
Same issues here 😕
Koskinen on October 01, 2018
Hi, I enabled 2FA on my account last week. However, after that I have been unable to login with the Safari browser. This is what happens: 1) I enter the 2FA code sent to me. 2) The page briefly (in less than a second) displays an error message read more
0 upvote
8 Replies
October 30, 2018
Okay thanks, gonna send it to the HS Support directly. Hope it gets fixed soon 😉
carolemichelon on August 30, 2018
Rebonjour j'ai un pb pour connecter ma boite google dans réunions. Je ne suis pas la seule mais je trouve pas la solution! merci de votre aide (ps les applications tierces acceptées dans Gmail)
0 upvote
6 Replies
September 08, 2018
J'ai discuté il y a peu de temps avec le support sur ce sujet, et c'est la seule solution existante à l'heure actuelle. Peut-être que dans le more
carolemichelon on August 30, 2018
Rebonjour j'ai un pb pour connecter ma boite google dans réunions. Je ne suis pas la seule mais je trouve pas la solution! merci de votre aide (ps les applications tierces acceptées dans Gmail)
0 upvote
6 Replies
September 08, 2018
J'ai discuté il y a peu de temps avec le support sur ce sujet, et c'est la seule solution existante à l'heure actuelle. Peut-être que dans le more
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