
Member since ‎Jan 8, 2024
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Mark Santourdjian

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msantourdjian on July 08, 2024
When I create quotes and invoices, we normally add a credit card processing fee of 3% on the total amount after taxes. This fee should not be taxed, but I can't find a way to label that line item as tax exempt on the invoice. Another example wou read more
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Onesimus on October 06, 2023
Hello, Please consider the following requests: 1) Please make invoices editable 2) Please enable the ability for customers to make partial payments. Regarding #1 - it's absolutely necessary for me as a business owner to be able to read more
15 Replies
February 09, 2024
I couldn't agree with this idea MORE! Please get these functionality request fixed for the invoicing feature: 1) Editable Invoices Our more
msantourdjian on January 08, 2024
When I create a quote with line items, it takes me to the screen with step one for entering the quote details, but there is no "next" button to proceed to the next page and stage of the quote prep??? Can quotes ONLY be done using a desktop for read more
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