
Membro desde ‎jan 8, 2024
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Matas Mikelionis


Matas on Março 21, 2024
hello, I found a typo mistake in knowledge 'log out' button (in example you can see lithuanian language) This is default button value and I can't really find how to edit its value. Is it possible to edit? Regards,
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Julho 18, 2024
Hello, @PamCotton , Can you please come back to this question? I tried some things with it in design maker, but it doesn't work 😄 tried to c...Leia mais
Matas on Maio 24, 2024
Hello, Why tickets view page and knowledgbe base has different login pages? How I should edit? I want to make them similar. For example to give access users to register not only in tickets view login page but also in knowledge base login page. Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Maio 27, 2024
Hey, @PamCotton , Thank you for your answer but I couldn't get it completely. I'm using default theme. Also I know that I cannot edit default t...Leia mais
Matas on Maio 24, 2024
Hello, Why tickets view page and knowledgbe base has different login pages? How I should edit? I want to make them similar. For example to give access users to register not only in tickets view login page but also in knowledge base login page. Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Maio 27, 2024
Hey, @PamCotton , Thank you for your answer but I couldn't get it completely. I'm using default theme. Also I know that I cannot edit default t...Leia mais
Matas on Março 21, 2024
hello, I found a typo mistake in knowledge 'log out' button (in example you can see lithuanian language) This is default button value and I can't really find how to edit its value. Is it possible to edit? Regards,
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Julho 18, 2024
Hello, @PamCotton , Can you please come back to this question? I tried some things with it in design maker, but it doesn't work 😄 tried to c...Leia mais
Matas on Março 21, 2024
hello, I found a typo mistake in knowledge 'log out' button (in example you can see lithuanian language) This is default button value and I can't really find how to edit its value. Is it possible to edit? Regards,
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Julho 18, 2024
Hello, @PamCotton , Can you please come back to this question? I tried some things with it in design maker, but it doesn't work 😄 tried to c...Leia mais
Matas on Fevereiro 23, 2024
Hello, I have a problem with tickets open time. For example: Sometimes clients ask different questions in different time period but they do not write a new email. They just replies in last conversation with different question. This be Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Fevereiro 23, 2024
Hello, Karsten, Thank you for light speed answer 😄 understood the situation. Thanks;)
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