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Member since ‎Aug 23, 2018
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Nina Weigel

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Willf on July 04, 2019
I am using the generator to create signatures, all emails sent within outlook look great, but when I send from outlook to other email clients like gmail, then the social media buttons have the tops cut off. Anyone else experiencing this? It happens read more
Contributor | Partner
August 21, 2019
I see the same issue in your Screenshot thats why I ask.
Willf on July 04, 2019
I am using the generator to create signatures, all emails sent within outlook look great, but when I send from outlook to other email clients like gmail, then the social media buttons have the tops cut off. Anyone else experiencing this? It happens read more
Contributor | Partner
August 21, 2019
I see the same issue in your Screenshot thats why I ask.
Willf on July 04, 2019
I am using the generator to create signatures, all emails sent within outlook look great, but when I send from outlook to other email clients like gmail, then the social media buttons have the tops cut off. Anyone else experiencing this? It happens read more
Contributor | Partner
August 21, 2019
I see the same issue in your Screenshot thats why I ask.
Rotageek on October 29, 2018
I am attempting to resize my logo to a larger size in my navigation bar. As you scroll down the page, the logo in the sticky header becomes very little. I wanted to enlarge it and make it the same size in the sticky header as it is in the navigation read more
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3 Replies
Contributor | Partner
February 11, 2019
Hi there, I'm using Act2 Theme and I have the same problem rezising the logo. In the Header overlap it appear very tiny, in the sticky header more
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