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Michael Roberts

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MarshallAMS on Mai 21, 2021
I am trying to create a report showing the number of contacts we have at each company. I want a chart to display the companies with at least a certain number of contacts using the "associated company" property and the number of contacts at each. Is Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
August 19, 2024
@karstenkoehler this is helpful! Following up on this question, is there a way to do the count of associated contacts with a company with condi...Beitrag ansehen
MRoberts8 on Juni 25, 2024
Hi, I'm looking to see the fill rate over time of a property. In other words, what percent was filled in last week vs. last month vs. last year etc. Is there a way to find this information on Hubspot? I can only see downloading property hist Beitrag ansehen
MRoberts8 on März 29, 2024
I'm trying to create a calculated deal property that looks at the total contract value (i.e., the value from the associated line items) vs. the total quote amount (i.e., the value from the line items less the one-tiem discounts). When I'm trying Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
April 01, 2024
Hi Pam, I have the custom properties set up, but no way to fill the total contract value. For some reason the only way I'm able to get the total ...Beitrag ansehen
MRoberts8 on März 29, 2024
I'm trying to create a calculated deal property that looks at the total contract value (i.e., the value from the associated line items) vs. the total quote amount (i.e., the value from the line items less the one-tiem discounts). When I'm trying Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
April 01, 2024
Hi Pam, I have the custom properties set up, but no way to fill the total contract value. For some reason the only way I'm able to get the total ...Beitrag ansehen
MRoberts8 on März 06, 2024
We have a deal property that is required at the Closed Lost stage of a deal, but we want to make it not required/appear if the Closed Lost customer is in a certain industry segment (captured in a segment deal field at deal creation). I know con Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
März 06, 2024
I might be being dense. Someone enters the industry at the first stage of the deal ahd the property in question is something entered at the Close...Beitrag ansehen
MRoberts8 on März 06, 2024
We have a deal property that is required at the Closed Lost stage of a deal, but we want to make it not required/appear if the Closed Lost customer is in a certain industry segment (captured in a segment deal field at deal creation). I know con Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
März 06, 2024
I might be being dense. Someone enters the industry at the first stage of the deal ahd the property in question is something entered at the Close...Beitrag ansehen
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