
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
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Fazle Rabbi

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TBarrett18WS on Juli 01, 2021
The "Set Property Value" action gives you the ability to append chosen values to a multi-select field. It would be very useful to be able to do this in reverse i.e. remove a given value from a record. We have workflows that update a multiselect Beitrag ansehen
16 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
September 26, 2024
Hello, I've created an app for this recently. We can remove specific values from multiple selection dropdown properties using workflow. If anyone ...Beitrag ansehen
Stanczak on Oktober 19, 2017
We are beginning to use a "Customer Status" property that uses multiple checkbox values. Values include things like "At Risk," "Support Issue Outstanding," "Payment Lapsed," etc. This will add tremendous value to our CRM at the customer representati Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
September 26, 2024
Hello, I've created an app for this recently. We can remove specific values from multiple selection dropdown properties using workflow. If anyone nee...Beitrag ansehen
OleksandraK1 on August 16, 2024
Hi everyone! We recently introduced Prospecting to our team and now I`m working on a reporting dashboard to track the lead management process. One thing I can`t wrap my head around is how to track response time specifically for Hot leads, not all o Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
August 19, 2024
Yes, you can create a lead status for Hot Lead. But if you determine your lead as a hot lead based on some criteria(ex. lead responds/opens/clicks ou...Beitrag ansehen
ASahin on April 17, 2024
Hello Community, We would like to automatically inform the "company owner" which is assosiated to a ticket when a ticket has reached a certain phase. Does someone has an idea? Somehow i was not able to find a solution. We have Sales& Beitrag ansehen
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
April 20, 2024
Hello @ASahin , Yes, there is a solution. You can solve this using automation. Automation: step 1. You can set trigger according to your ce...Beitrag ansehen
GMarkham on Januar 22, 2024
Currently we have associated company + contact as required fields on the create ticket form. This info. is not always known at time of ticket opening. Can we have this as a requirement to be able to move the ticket from "issue reported" stage t Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
Februar 07, 2024
Yes, you can create this type of property on the Service Hub Pro account. You need to choose the Ticket object to create this property.
GMarkham on Januar 22, 2024
Currently we have associated company + contact as required fields on the create ticket form. This info. is not always known at time of ticket opening. Can we have this as a requirement to be able to move the ticket from "issue reported" stage t Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Teilnehmer/-in | Gold Partner
Februar 07, 2024
Yes, you can create this type of property on the Service Hub Pro account. You need to choose the Ticket object to create this property.
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