
Member since ‎Dec 29, 2023
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Bronwyn Jack

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BJack9 on April 02, 2024
At the moment, when syncing a custom object FROM Salesforce to HubSpot, you are asked to create an association for contacts in HubSpot. Salesforce has both leads & contacts, and so when you are creating this association you are forced to chose w read more
JGruber on January 10, 2023
I created a custom object in Hubspot called SFDC Campaign and synced it with the Salesforce native campaigns object. I enabled the contact association and set the primary association field to be campaign member. Basically, our hope is that the num read more
December 29, 2023
The fact that this still isn't a feature blows my mind. The custom object sync is great but without being able to sync to salesforce leads it is more
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