
Member since ‎Dec 22, 2023
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Randy Laub

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RLaub on July 19, 2024
What is the difference between raw and original URL? Can someone provide examples? Also, if I wanted to include an email click criteria in a workflow that contained a UTM parameter, can and how do I do that? An example, let's say this is the read more
RLaub on July 11, 2024
Any suggestions on I can build a process where I set an action (rep notification, send an email, etc) based on an email click across many emails? I know it's doable when a specific email is identified in the workflow or when more than one specific e read more
July 17, 2024
Thanks for the response @karstenkoehler . What if my clicks mostly go to a set of landing pages. Would below be a hack approach in concept? - more
RLaub on July 11, 2024
Any suggestions on I can build a process where I set an action (rep notification, send an email, etc) based on an email click across many emails? I know it's doable when a specific email is identified in the workflow or when more than one specific e read more
July 17, 2024
Thanks for the response @karstenkoehler . What if my clicks mostly go to a set of landing pages. Would below be a hack approach in concept? - more
RLaub on May 10, 2024
How can this be? I have a form that I'm only using on one landing page. That landing page only has one form. The performance data in the form shows 640 page views to the specific landing page. However, when I look at performance data for the landing read more
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RLaub on February 28, 2024
I could use some clarity on whether HubSpot strips UTMs or not. This article says it does . "Please note: the following behavior is expected for analytics properties: HubSpot strips UTM parameters and anchors links from visited URLs on contact r read more
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February 28, 2024
@Jnix284 it's not showing in original source or latest source. But, it's showing in the drill downs. In my case, what's put in the drill-downs are more
RLaub on February 28, 2024
I could use some clarity on whether HubSpot strips UTMs or not. This article says it does . "Please note: the following behavior is expected for analytics properties: HubSpot strips UTM parameters and anchors links from visited URLs on contact r read more
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5 Replies
February 28, 2024
@Jnix284 it's not showing in original source or latest source. But, it's showing in the drill downs. In my case, what's put in the drill-downs are more
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