
Member | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Aug 16, 2018
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Shana Steigerwalt

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ShanaStagz on October 22, 2024
Currently, there is no ability to create a list (static or active) from a Membership Access Group. Both tools within HubSpot group contacts together, but somehow do not interact with one another. Ideally, I would love to see functionali read more
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ShanaStagz on November 09, 2022
Will round robin meeting links soon have the availability to collect payments? We have a training that is split between multiple team members and would like to collect payment.
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Adam-SixandFlow on November 05, 2020
Currently, you have no date property that tells you today's date. This is genuinely a critical function if you are going to compete with other CRMs. How can a sales team set and keep SLAs if they can only look at the time spent in stage retroactivel read more
83 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
May 03, 2022
This would be ideal!
apollotull on April 28, 2021
My company has a form that allows people to upload photos of their project so we can get a good idea of the scope of work. It would be extremely helpful if there was a way for those uploaded photos and files to go straight to the Attachments area of read more
4 Replies
Member | Platinum Partner
June 29, 2021
Our client is experiencing a similar issue. Not having a way to automate file references and pulling them into a specific deal makes our process more
ShanaStagz on December 04, 2020
We have a client that is a news-centric content team within the sports and entertainment industry. They create a ton of content daily and it would be great to automate custom date parameters into the URLS. Example: Best Props for the Superbowl read more
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