
Member since ‎Dec 15, 2023
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Justin Humphreys

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jaybaum on January 19, 2024
Please allow us to access marketing events within Workflows! Having the ability to set an attendee as registered after filling out a specific form, or attended after a property change would be huge!
7 Replies
November 27, 2024
Can't believe this isn't standard, particularly with events being used in the latest Lead Scoring functionality. Definitely needed!
MRamirez13 on August 22, 2024
Some feedback regarding the lead scoring beta. A couple of issues I've come across while trialing it: - Implementing time constraints on new scoring: It would be extremely helpful to implement some type of time parameters on the scoring models. For read more
10 Replies
October 30, 2024
This could also be achieved using a 'Contains' logic for the Email Name, which doesn't appear to be available at the moment.
MRamirez13 on August 22, 2024
Some feedback regarding the lead scoring beta. A couple of issues I've come across while trialing it: - Implementing time constraints on new scoring: It would be extremely helpful to implement some type of time parameters on the scoring models. For read more
10 Replies
October 30, 2024
This could also be achieved using a 'Contains' logic for the Email Name, which doesn't appear to be available at the moment.
benesch_e on August 05, 2020
I work for a company with multiple business units, each business unit has its own sales pipeline to keep us sane. Becaue of the multiple business units we also segregate out marketing to address the specific needs of the customers within each busine read more
December 15, 2023
100% - we have two business units who each need their own ABM list. Even having additional filters would make a big difference
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