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Sam Barth

“I have the technical experience and interpersonal capability to scale your business, regardless of size or industry. I am fluent in Inbound and Outbound Marketing processes for Lead Generation. I'm trained in Account-Based Marketing strategies and successfully executed concepts such as Marketing & Sales Alignment, Sales Enablement & Activation, Account Specific Targeting, and Real-Time Data Measurement. I have 8+ years of client and consulting experience in Business Development, Performance Marketing, Revenue Operations, Business Management, and Data Analysis, and will bring all of that knowledge to any and every opportunity. I have executed campaigns for B2C and B2B organizations with monthly budgets ranging from $5,000-$100,000 leading to over $80M in estimated annual revenue. I’ve coordinated Direct Marketing campaigns using SMS, Paid Media campaigns on Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn with relevant content strategies, email nurture sequences, and sales outreaches; Through my creation and management - of Marketing Automation, Paid Media, CMS, Social Media, and CRM workflows, campaigns, and lists, using omnichannel data enrichment tools across all platforms and channels - I can bring the greatest amount of success to your organization. I can help you find your target customers, that are most valuable, through efficient means across all channels.”


Juli 08, 2024
Hi! @MEllis3 I agree with @karstenkoehler that the multiple checkbox properties would be the way to go If there are different costs or details a...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 08, 2024
@DAnderson60 There are ways you can incorporate this information into the tasks of outlook but the default connection is just for meetings If you ...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 08, 2024
Another option - To search for deal records that have a specific property (like 'end date') updated after a certain datetime, you can use the HubSp...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 08, 2024
Hi!! @sshahdev You can have this information changed via workflows for an after specific datetime
Juli 08, 2024
Hi! @CHutt5 Is there a reason why you couldn't replace the selection with a field to show End User when the toggle is on versus have it as a select...Beitrag ansehen
Juli 08, 2024
Hi! @TAYLOR123 I know this primarly tracks by adding a bcc to the emails you send out These could be being blocked by the emails you are sending ...Beitrag ansehen
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