
Member since ‎Dec 12, 2023
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Sophie Kerrigan

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SKerrigan5 on October 03, 2024
I am trying to set up a notification when a client has sent an email (logged to a deal), and we have not replied to that email in more than 24 hours. I used these filters but it seems to be still pulling in deals where we have replied to the cli read more
SKerrigan5 on September 11, 2024
I am trying to send a slack notification to the company owner each time a note has been added to the company that contains "note created by", but notes cannot be used as a re-enrollment trigger... Can anyone tell me if this solution would work? read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 11, 2024
Yes that worked thank you!
SKerrigan5 on September 11, 2024
I am trying to send a slack notification to the company owner each time a note has been added to the company that contains "note created by", but notes cannot be used as a re-enrollment trigger... Can anyone tell me if this solution would work? read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 11, 2024
Yes that worked thank you!
SKerrigan5 on September 11, 2024
I am trying to send a slack notification to the company owner each time a note has been added to the company that contains "note created by", but notes cannot be used as a re-enrollment trigger... Can anyone tell me if this solution would work? read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
September 11, 2024
Yes that worked thank you!
TLang on December 13, 2023
I figured out a work around to make workflows work with activites and allow for reenrollement. It has some limitations, but might work for some people. Lets say you want to trigger a task to be created everytime a phone call is made. You can c read more
September 11, 2024
Hey @TLang this is really helpful thank you! I am trying to create a slack notification for the company owner everytime there is a specific note more
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