
Member since ‎Aug 9, 2018
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Richard Solovyev

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Stratshock on January 04, 2022
Could we have an embed code in the footer of the knowledge base? Would allow us to add custom things like support chart bubbles, tracking code, etc.
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basil on January 05, 2019
Curently, we are very limited in terms of what we can create on a knowledge base article in terms of custom code. For example Serial number lookup field custom script Shipping status lookup custom script HTML tables Complex layouts Download bu read more
8 Replies
March 07, 2019
@hubspot devs, This feature is extremely important. As of now, the articles have very limited features and capabilities.
radko on May 17, 2018
Hi! Is there any way how to modify CSS of the knowledge base like used font family? Thanks!
26 Replies
February 19, 2019
This. We need the ability to edit the knowledge base template, as well as the ability to display more than two article.
CristinaH on August 08, 2018
Hubspot changed the way code is displayed in the Source Code Edit Window . The code now does not wrap which makes it a lot harder to look at and edit... lots of side to side scrolling involved. We have hundreds of landing pages and are in the read more
August 09, 2018
W00T W00T! Thanks for the update @GregT
CristinaH on August 08, 2018
Hubspot changed the way code is displayed in the Source Code Edit Window . The code now does not wrap which makes it a lot harder to look at and edit... lots of side to side scrolling involved. We have hundreds of landing pages and are in the read more
August 09, 2018
W00T W00T! Thanks for the update @GregT
CristinaH on August 08, 2018
Hubspot changed the way code is displayed in the Source Code Edit Window . The code now does not wrap which makes it a lot harder to look at and edit... lots of side to side scrolling involved. We have hundreds of landing pages and are in the read more
August 09, 2018
W00T W00T! Thanks for the update @GregT
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