
Member since ‎Aug 9, 2018
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MBuck3 on March 08, 2023
Currently it is a manual process to make sure that the HS Sales add-in panel is "pinned" on my Outlook. It would be great if there could be a default setting that can be checked or unchecked to "pin or unpin" the HS Sales add-in into the sidebar. read more
August 13, 2024
Well it's been over 3 months since this ticket was raised and no response from the HubSpot team on this. I think we can all read into that what they' more
MBuck3 on March 08, 2023
Currently it is a manual process to make sure that the HS Sales add-in panel is "pinned" on my Outlook. It would be great if there could be a default setting that can be checked or unchecked to "pin or unpin" the HS Sales add-in into the sidebar. read more
August 13, 2024
Well it's been over 3 months since this ticket was raised and no response from the HubSpot team on this. I think we can all read into that what they' more
adolusncd on February 19, 2020
Apparently the only way to log inbound emails initiated by a Contact (i.e. emails that aren't a reply to a logged outbound email) is to forward the email to hubspotID This is using Gmail integration. Can you not tell wh read more
33 Replies
January 12, 2023
Agreed. Especially for all my team, they often don't remember to forward inbound emails to HS - it's just a pain and extra work to do. HS should more
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